• This post is a Community Add On. If you would like to contribute to happyecho.com Please message us on facebook. Posted on March 27, 2019by Emma @ Health Grinder Everyone wants to be happy. We’ve all experienced [...]

  • Summary: Avoid guilt and shame.  Focus on gratitude! "You know what the antidepressant Wellbutrin does? Boosts the neurotransmitter dopamine. So does gratitude." "Know what Prozac does? Boosts the neurotransmitter serotonin. So does gratitude." [...]

  • This post is a Community Add On. If you would like to contribute to happyecho.com Please message us on facebook. http://tinybuddha.com/blog/5-helpful-things-do-when-think-life-sucks/ It is pretty good.  Real good advice to get out of the funk. [...]

  • So I have this strange habit every night before I go to bed.   After I am done working and my inbox is empty and my dishes are all done and it seems I [...]

  • Today is Easter and we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  And it got me thinking what can I resurrect in my life?  What old goal/dream/habit have I let die? I figure a [...]

  • Omega 3 was the first supplement I ever took.   It’s been over 10 years now so I am not even sure why I started taking it.  I think it was because I had [...]

  • Everyone at one point or another in their lives thinks “change is HARD".  Well, guess what it's NOT. Today I am going to share with you the way to quick, easy, and lasting [...]

  • When I am stressed my mind starts going a mile a minute looking for multiple solutions to multiple problems. Like attracts like. So when my mind gets like that and I feel overwhelmed! [...]

  • "Negative emotion always means the same thing, every single time... My thought or behavior is moving in opposition with who I really am and what I really want." I love Abraham- Hicks. [...]

  • Good Sunday! Like a lot of people, I know Sundays are my cleaning day.  I love looking around my environment and seeing dust free clean and organized.  I personally don't work well in [...]

  • This is going to be a short, simple and straight forward post. I should really be sleeping right now but I had to let my readers in on a secret. If you follow [...]

  • As I wrote the title to my post it occurred to me that I may offend people since the one book I recommend over all other books ever written is not the Bible. [...]

  • Today I heard a question that really caught my attention. The question was is today going to be a Good Day, a Bad Day, or is today going to be a GREAT DAY!? [...]

  • So Last year I wrote a blog about saying YES to life.  You can view the first blog at :saying-yes-to-life/ But then today while I was meditating I realized I was actually saying [...]

  • Progress is the true secret to happiness. It shouldn't be a secret though. Because like all the other so-called secrets it has been known by all the greats throughout history. The really funny [...]

  • I just watched this video on youtube by Tony Robbins entitled "Create a new story".  ( I included it below)  It was so beneficial. It was awesome from the start.  I love how [...]

  • I am seriously in Love and obsessed with facial yoga.  I don’t know what happened when I turned 30 but all of a sudden I see wrinkles where there were not and small [...]

  • The Basics WOW!!! Ho’oponopono may be the most amazing happiness tool there is. It is the simplest yet the hardest to understand in a way. That's why it has taken me so [...]

  • I was finishing cleaning my floors right now and it occurred to me all the work I had to do before I could even start cleaning my floors. I had to go through [...]

  • Saying yes to life can be hard. I think it's one of the most difficult things for us to do. When things are going as we planned we find it easy -But when [...]

  • This post is a Community Add On. If you would like to contribute to happyecho.com Please message us on facebook.   created by: Anisa Aven's 5 Steps to Intentionally Harness the Law of Attraction [...]

  • Today I wanted to write about my new way of thinking about goals. In the past I had tried so hard to accomplish to many BIG goals each and every day. It all [...]

  • It seems to me saying "I'm Sorry" (Apologizing) is a lot like forgiveness. You know how its good for you to forgive others for the shear fact that holding a grudge or hatred [...]

  • A couple days ago I was having a conversation with a person I thought had a pretty standard level of intelligence. But in the conversation I said "Shouldn't a person go in the [...]

  • At the beginning of the summer I planted my very first flower garden. Over the last couple months I have learned so many things from them as I’ve watched them grow. It is [...]

  • One of the biggest causes of unhappiness is our need to defend ourselves. Our need to defend ourselves causes us to do and say things that we later regret. And even if we [...]

  • I am a very curious person. My whole life I have wondered about the why and how of everything. I have a billion questions in my head and some I have received the [...]

  • past-present-future "Out of sight, out of mind." The proverb has been around since at least the 1500s and is based on the idea that something is easily forgotten or dismissed as unimportant if [...]

  • I get a lot of emails most being articles or blogs about the kind of stuff I’m interested in here at happyecho.com But Today I got an email from a website focused on manifesting, [...]

  • You maybe asking yourself “what is a counter intention?” So I have included this page on happyecho.com to answer just that. The fact is often when people haven’t created the life they say desire [...]

  • Based on the title you may think I’m religious but I am not. My father is Catholic, my Mother Mormon and my brother and I were sent to Baptist churches. I have been [...]

  • The Basics EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is the TOOL that is meant for eliminating emotional and psychological blocks and barriers. Using EFT is not about changing the external factors but about addressing and eliminating the [...]

  • *I am unaware of the origins of this story.  I had it on my computer for years. If you know - please email me at contact@happyecho.com  - I would like to give credit where credit is [...]

  • "Who would you be without your story?" “In my experience, it takes only one person to have a successful relationship. I like to say I have the perfect marriage, and I can't really [...]

  • Smiling is #1 on the list of things you can do right now to increase your happiness! Now I know many people who come to my site come because they have a feeling of [...]

  • "Your ability to use the principle of autosuggestion will depend, very largely, upon your capacity to concentrate upon a given desire until that desire becomes a burning obsession." -Napoleon Hill The Basics Self [...]

  • This post is a Community Add On. If you would like to contribute to happyecho.com Please message us on facebook. True happiness comes from being able listen to what the Universe is telling us and taking [...]

  • "Non-Labeling Presence" is best defined as being in an environment (anywhere) and not giving names or past ideas to the things you see, hear, smell, etc..  Most people think of presence as just being in this moment but in their [...]

  •   Listening to the right music can do wonders to improve your mood and alter your energy level. The right music for you will be something only you will know. And will change [...]

  •  “If you want to find God, hang out in the space between your thoughts."  -Alan Cohen The Basics Meditation is THE TOOL.  A simple ten to twenty minutes of meditation can help you [...]

  •     The Basics The Law of Attraction exists in your life right now; whether you know it or not. The Law of Attraction is a powerful and obedient Universal Law. Simply put – the law of attraction [...]

  •   “Laughter is the best medicine.” I strongly believe in the Law of Attraction and “the better it gets – the better it gets” and “the worse it gets – the worse it [...]

  • You can create a gratitude journal for others.  Like your spouse, children, parents, or special friends.Start by buying a new journal with a specific person in mind.  Try to find a journal that [...]

  • The Basics I bet you know someone who seems to be always happy regardless of what’s happening around them.  Like everyone, they can be happy when things are going good, but they also seem [...]

  • The Basics What’s the difference between Creative Visualization & Day Dreaming? Creative Visualization is such a fun tool & can be combined with all other tools you use like affirmations, afformations, law of attraction, etc. [...]

  • *please note this is different then affirmations. New expanded list  240 Afformations – 7 pages! This is an amazing tool!  It’s one of my favorites because it can create fast change in your habits, [...]

  • This classic tool is taught by almost all teachers of deliberate creation.  Virtually every self-help and personal development plan that has ever existed includes positive affirmations. We are always consciously or unconsciously affirming [...]

  • It may come as a surprise to some - I love “Negative” Emotions, because in spite of popular belief they are good.  There is absolutely no need to fear them.  Choose to be grateful for them instead. [...]

  • My 4 step guide to happiness now! First recognize that the quality of our lives is ENTIRELY determined by how we feel.  Really think about it.  Your emotional life shapes your available perception on all events, [...]

  • “The simplest answer is usually the correct answer” First, why not choose Happiness? I mean let’s face it the quality of our lives is ENTIRELY determined by how we feel. Life is meant [...]