This classic tool is taught by almost all teachers of deliberate creation.  Virtually every self-help and personal development plan that has ever existed includes positive affirmations. We are always consciously or unconsciously affirming our own ideas about ourselves with our thoughts and words; whether we realize it or not.  However, by utilizing affirmations properly we choose to affirm positive statements about ourselves.

So let’s learn how to do exactly that next.

Start Now (click to open)

Think about areas in your life you would like to improve (Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Relationships, Financial, Work, Emotional, etc..)

Make a list of what you really want in those areas Now take each item on that list and write one or more positive statements for each; in the present tense. (Some of your statements will already be true – either you just haven’t realized it yet or you have and need to strengthen your belief in yourself.  And others you’ll have to pretend to begin with.  To help yourself in pretending: Ask yourself “How would I feel if I believed this statement?”  Then imagine it!)


1.   I want to feel better physically becomes:

  • I deserve to feel great!(Already true!)
  • Every Cell in my body vibrates with energy and health.(Pretend – Ask yourself: “How would I feel if I believed this statement?”  Then imagine it!)
  • I feel GREAT!(Pretend – Ask yourself: “How would I feel if I believed this statement?”  Then imagine it!)
  • I am healthy and have endless energy.(Pretend – Ask yourself: “How would I feel if I believed this statement?”  Then imagine it!)

2.   I want a fulfilling love relationship becomes: 

  • I am worthy of Love! (Already true!)
  • I love and accept myself for who I am right now! (If you want someone else to feel this way you must first find a way to do it yourself.  You teach others how to treat you – by how you treat yourself)
  • I have such a wonderful partner that fulfils me on many levels. (Pretend – Ask yourself: “How would I feel if I believed this statement?”  Then imagine it!)
Tips (click to open)
  • Try to stay away from words like: will, can, plan.
  • Say your affirmations in front of a mirror.
  • Make your affirmations into a song.
  • Add emotion – Say your affirmations with passion!
Affirmation’s with a twist (click to open)

Affirmation’s with a twist

You maybe asking yourself “what are affirmations with a twist?”  Well as many of us know simply saying plain old affirmations doesn’t work. Our subconscious doesn’t believe them and laughs at us for trying to force feed it such unbelievable statements. Affirmations with a twist in the answer!

They cause our subconscious to stop laughing and shout YES instead.  They truly are amazing – because they are more believable and get results faster.  Affirmations with a twist is the creative genius of Catherine Ponder a Unity Church minister, and author many amazing books. I HIGHLY recommend reading ALL her books.  I personally listen to them on my ipod. Check out her books here or Itunes.

Twists (Things you say before each Affirmation):

1.  Each and everyday, in every way

I am now becoming…..  ( after – you can add in the word like more or I am now increasing ……then you can add in the words like: my ability, my capacity, etc)

2.  In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way

I am now becoming…. ( after – you can add in the word: more) Or I am now building…… Or I am now increasing…..Twist special notes:

  • Make sure to use the words like: Now and Becoming, Building, Increasing or Growing – These are the words that make your statements believable.
  • Start with a goal in mind.
  • Once you know your goal turn it into a present moment affirmation then play with the words (incorporating the twist) until you find the exact wording that makes you subconscious shout “YES – I believe that!”


  • In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way I am now becoming a money magnet.
  • Each and everyday, in every way I am now becoming healthy and fit.In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way I am now increasing my capacity to receive accurate inner guidance.
  • Each and everyday, in every way I am now increasing my ability notice and respond appropriately to the opportunities in my world.
  • In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way I am now building a multi-million dollar corporation.
  • Each and everyday, in every way my confidence in myself is growing and I am now beginning to see that I can accomplish any thing I set my mind on.
  • In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way I am now becoming a more positive and happy person that other people love to be around.
The Big SECRET to Affirmations! (click to open)

The Big SECRET to Affirmations!

The thing most people don’t understand about Affirmations is it is really a tool best used constantly.  Not just a few times a month, week, or even a day.  If you really want to change your life you have to change your thoughts. You have to become a deliberate thinker.  And that’s what Affirmations give you the power, ability and skill to become.

By becoming a deliberate thinker you change what you focus on, and over time and with extreme repetition you change your beliefs about life and yourself.  And when you change your beliefs – you change your life! So if you really want to change your life add Affirmations to your daily routine.

Everyday ask yourself what thoughts do I want to think to day?  Write down a few thoughts on a sheet of paper and think them as much as possible through out your whole day!  Next morning look at that list – think the thoughts again – then throw it away!  And make a new list for it’s a new day.  Over time you will change your beliefs!!

I can’t say this enough on my site – If you change your beliefs about life and yourself – YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!!! 



Recommended Videos (click to open)


D’ANA’S HUGE LIST OF AFFIRMATIONS – 89 sample Affirmations covering all aspects of life plus how to start now & tips.

Mental/Attitude (click to open)
  • I accomplish anything I set my mind on
  • I have the energy and passion to make my thoughts a reality
  • I am responsible for my own attitude
  • My thoughts are clear and focused
  • I know exactly what I want
  • I am a creative genius
  • I am grateful for each experience in my life
  • I am confident
  • I remain confident and unaffected by negative attitudes around me
  • I have everything I need right now to accomplish everything I want
  • At every turn, opportunity appears before me
  • I am a success in all that I do
Physical/Health (click to open)
  • I am fit, healthy and attractive
  • I have abundant energy, vitality and well-being
  • I lose weight so effortlessly
  • I take deeper, longer, more relaxed breaths
  • I take care of myself by eating and sleeping properly
  • My body is so intelligent and capable of healing anything
  • Every Cell in my body vibrates with energy and health
  • I feel great
  • I am in control of my own well being
  • I am always in the stream of well being
  • It feels so good to make good decisions
  • I love eating healthy
  • Exercise if Fun
  • I am filled with energy to do all the daily activities in my life
  • I am beautiful inside and out
  • When I look in the mirror I see true beauty in my every imperfection
Money/Abundance (click to open)
  • Wealth is pouring into my life
  • The riches of the universe come to me effortlessly
  • I am getting wealthier each day
  • I am a money magnet!
  • I am free of debt
  • I am easily, openly and freely accepting abundance, now!
  • I am thankful for the limitless, overflowing source of my abundance
  • Everything I touch returns riches to me
  • I deserve abundance
  • The more I have the more I am capable of giving
  • I am great at managing money
  • Money comes to me from unexpected sources
  • I appreciate money
  • I live a truly abundant life
Relationships and Love (click to open)
  • I radiate love and happiness
  • I am worthy of love
  • I love and accept myself for who I am
  • I attract positive people into my life
  • I love myself and I am in charge of my own happiness
  • I am surrounded with loving, caring people in my life
  • The more I love, the more that love is returned to me
  • I know others are not accountable for my happiness
  • I have such great, loving, long term relationships
  • I get along so well with others
  • People like me and want to be around me
  • I have the perfect partner for me
  • I am so happy and grateful for my family and friends
  • I accept people for who they are and wouldn’t try to change them
Work/Career (click to open)
  • I possess an endless supply of creativity, and energy for any project I take on
  • I make effective use of my time
  • My possibilities are endless
  • I get promoted fast
  • Others recognize me for all the good I do
  • The Universe supports my every effort
  • I am persistent in reaching my goals
  • My co-worker love and appreciate me
  • I love my job!
  • I am grateful for my job
  • I am really great at what I do
  • I have my dream job
  • I am living my passion
  • I have so much passion for what I do
Spiritual (click to open)
  • I am connected to the source of all things
  • I am love
  • I appreciate my inner guidance and listen to it
  • All that I need is inside me right now
  • God loves me
  • My higher self is always there for me to assist with all things
  • It is so easy for me to silence my thoughts and here god’s guidance
  • I am a spiritual being enjoying a physical experience
  • I create heaven here on earth
  • I kind to others
  • I see the value in all things and all people
  • I know that everyone deserves love and I give them pure love
  • I accept people for who they are right now
Combinations (click to open)
  •  gratefully accept all the health, wealth and happiness that the universe pours into me
  • I deserve love, success and happiness
  • I am a lucky, happy, healthy, wealthy successful person
  • Love, health and wealth flows abundantly into my life
  • I possess an abundance of creativity and energy
  • I am always in the right place, at the right time, doing and saying all the right things to get exactly what I want.

Get started making your own list – the above are just examples – you want say affirmations that mean something to you.  Don’t forget to add emotion and imagination. Repetition is the Key!


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