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It is pretty good.  Real good advice to get out of the funk.  Here is a portion below….. (Check out full post here)

Every single one of us goes through times when it seems like life sucks. It’s just the way it is. It’s what we do in those moments that matters.

1. Replace “Why me?” with “What next?”

It’s natural; when things go wrong, one of the first thoughts is likely to be “Why me?”

Here’s the thing though—“Why me?” is a weakening phrase. It only serves to increase our feeling of victimhood and makes us feel incapable of dealing with the situation.

By intentionally catching ourselves thinking “Why me?” and replacing it with “What next?” we not only gain back a feeling of control, but also figure out what we can actually do.

Anytime my daughter had a mini-accident after that, she would panic. I’d put on my calmest voice, even when I felt like screaming “Why us? Can we please catch a break?” and say, “Aww, poor baby. Are you hurt? Accidents happen. Do you think a boo-boo pad might help?” And yes, a boo-boo pad always helped.

Ever so slowly, we were back to being resilient in the face of mini-accidents again.

2. Force yourself to practice gratitude.

It is hard to feel grateful when you are dealt a blow—no matter how big or small it is.

I was devastated by my daughter’s jaw fracture verdict. I had to practically force myself to practice gratitude.

Every time I talked to someone, I’d say, “Well, we’re lucky it wasn’t a head injury.” After repeating it a few times, I actually started to believe it and started to feel the gratitude. And that eventually helped deal with the news of the misaligned jaw.

No matter what you are dealing with, there is always, always something to be grateful for. Force yourself to say it out loud a few times. Your heart and your mind will soon catch up.

3. Quit blaming.

When you’re hurt, it is equally natural to look for someone to blame.

In my case, I was tempted to blame myself, the caregivers at the playcare, the doctors at the emergency room, and so on.

But blame only serves to prolong the hurt. It makes it harder to let things go. It makes us angry and corrodes us from the inside. It brings negativity into our life.

So just stop.

If something is meant to be, it will happen. That’s it. Deal with it and move on.

4. Don’t give in to fear and despair.

This is a tough one. It’s so much easier to just give in and surrender to the fear and grief. But we need to stand tall—even when we feel two feet too short.

It was very hard for me to mask my worries from my daughter and project confidence. But I’m so glad I did.

Back then, for a while, I’d actually started to wonder if something was wrong. The foreboding fear that was my constant companion kept telling me that something bad was going on.

But slowly, she gained from my projected confidence and grew more confident herself. And got back to her monkey business. And didn’t having any more accidents.

And my worries started to fizzle.

When it comes to fear and despair, you have to fake it till you make it. And, sooner or later, you will make it.

5. Never give up.

We didn’t like the jaw surgery verdict. We sought out another opinion even though it seemed pointless.

The new oral surgeon was old school. She suggested physical therapy. We set alarms on the phone and my daughter diligently did her exercises (bless her soul, she’s just a wee little kid, but such a sport).

After a month, the jaw was starting to get aligned again. Things are beginning to look good. Maybe we won’t need that surgery after all. We can only hope for the best.

No matter where you’re at or what you’re going through, don’t give up. Try just one more thing; maybe it’s just the thing that will resolve it for you.

It ain’t over, until it’s over.

Source: 5 Helpful Things to Do When You Think Life Sucks


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