*please note this is different then affirmations.

New expanded list  240 Afformations – 7 pages!

This is an amazing tool!  It’s one of my favorites because it can create fast change in your habits, circumstances, and attitude.  And it’s one of the simplest ways to improve your level of happiness!   An Afformation is an affirmation with a neat little twist that makes a huge difference.  Put very simply an Afformation is the question form of an affirmation.  Noah St. John is the master mind behind this new way creating.  Noah figured out the human mind is always asking and searching for the answers to questions.  However, a lot of us spend way too much of our time asking self-defeating questions.


Why am I so fat?

Why don’t I do anything right?

Why I’m I not lovable?

So with the law of attraction in mind asking yourself self-defeating questions will only attract more reasons to ask self-defeating questions.  And let’s be real here has asking yourself “Why am I so fat?” ever made you thin?  Most people feel like eating the whole pantry after asking themselves that question.

What about “Why don’t I do anything right?”  Do you succeed?  Or do you stumble your words in front of the boss, client, mother-in-law or just plain stumble over your own feet?

You get the point?   Whatever self-defeating question you have isn’t doing you any good.  It doesn’t improve your mood.  And it only makes you notice your “problem” more. So why bother asking negative questions?

Why not switch “Why am I so fat?” to “Why does everyone think I’m losing weight?” or “Why is it so easy for me to lose weight?”   Can it hurt you to make the switch even if you don’t believe the new question?  NO! Give it a try.

Take whatever negative question you’ve asked yourself recently and switch it.  Do it now.  Don’t worry about answering the new positive question – just ask it! Let the Universe and its wonderful Law’s do all the work for you.

Afformations Start Now Guide (click to open)

Think about areas in your life you would like to improve (Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Relationships, Financial, Work, Emotional, etc…)

Write down what you really want in those areas on a list.   

Now take each item on the list and write one or more positive statements for each; in present tense. (Some of your statements will already be true – either you just haven’t realized it yet or you have and need to strengthen your belief in yourself.  And others you’ll have to pretend to begin with.  To help yourself in pretending: Ask yourself “How would I feel if I believed this statement?”  Then imagine it!)

Then turn your affirmation into a question!


  •   I want a fulfilling love relationship becomes:

I am worthy of Love! (Already true!) Why am I so worthy of Love?

I love and accept myself for who I am right now! (If you want someone else to feel this way you must first find a way to do it yourself.  You teach others how to treat you – by how you treat yourself) Why do I love and accept myself for who I am?

I have such a wonderful partner that fulfils me on many levels. (Pretend – Ask yourself: “How would I feel if I believed this statement?”  Then imagine it!) Why did I get such a wonderful partner that fulfills me on many levels?

  •  I want to feel better physically becomes:

I deserve to feel great! (Already true!) Why do I deserve to feel great?

Every Cell in my body vibrates with energy and health. (Pretend – Ask yourself: “How would I feel if I believed this statement?”  Then imagine it!) Why does every Cell in my body vibrates with energy and health?

I feel GREAT! (Pretend – Ask yourself: “How would I feel if I believed this statement?”  Then imagine it!) Why do I feel so GREAT?

I am healthy and have endless energy. (Pretend – Ask yourself: “How would I feel if I believed this statement?”  Then imagine it!) Why am I so healthy and have endless energy?

Afformations Tips (click to open)
  • Try to stay away from words like: will, can, plan.
  • Don’t try to answer the question – let the Universe!
  • Say your afformations in front of a mirror.
  • Make your afformations into a song.
  • Add emotion – Say your afformations with passion!
  • Imagine It!!!
Recommended Videos (click to open)

D’Ana’s Huge List of Afformations

New expanded list 240 Afformations – 7pages

Mental/Attitude (click to open)
  • Why do I accomplish anything I set my mind on?
  • Why do I have the energy and passion to make my thoughts a reality?
  • Why do I know I am responsible for my own attitude?
  • Why are my thoughts clear and focused?
  • Why do I know exactly what I want?
  • Why am I a creative genius?
  • Why am I grateful for each experience in my life?
  • Why am I super confident?
  • Why do I remain confident and unaffected by any negative attitudes around me?
  • Why does everything I want come to me effortlessly?
  • How come at every turn, opportunity appears before me?
  • Why am I a successful in all that I do?
  • Why do I believe in me?
  • Why am I so Lucky?
  • Why do I always see the positive in all situations?
  • Why am I so excited to wake up every morning?
  • Why am I always in the right place, at the right time, doing and saying all the right things to get exactly what I want?
  • Why does everyone believe in me?
  • Why am I so good at everything I do?
  • Why do I learn so much from every experience?
  • Why am I willing to let go of the past?
  • Why do I love life?
  • Why is everyday a FUN day?
  • Why do I expect something great to happen today?
  • Why do I feel so blessed?
  • Why am I so great at making decisions?
  • Why do I have a great attitude?
  • Why am I surrounded by Love in all forms?
  • Why do I have everything I need right now to accomplish everything I want?
  • Why am I whole, complete and fulfilled by life?
Physical/Health (click to open)
  • Why am I so fit and healthy?
  • Why do I have abundant energy, vitality and well-being?
  • Why do I lose weight so effortlessly?
  • Why do I take deeper, longer, more relaxed breaths?
  • Why do I take care of myself by eating and sleeping properly?
  • Why is my body so intelligent and capable of healing itself so quickly?
  • Why does every Cell in my body vibrate with energy and health?
  • Why do I feel so great?
  • Why am I in control of my own well-being?
  • Why am I always in the stream of well-being?
  • Why do I love eating healthy?
  • Why is exercise so much Fun?
  • Why am I beautiful inside and out?
  • Why when I look in the mirror do I see true beauty in my every imperfection?
  • Why do I look so great naked?
  • Why do I feel so sexy?
  • Why do I love veggies and fruit?
  • Why do I always remember to make vitamins every day?
  • Why is it so easy for me to fall asleep at night?
  • Why do I always go to sleep by 11pm?
  • Why do I always wake up refreshed?
  • Why do I feel so good that I jump out of bed every morning?
  • Why do I love to do strength training 3-4 times every week?
  • Why do I put my health first?
  • Why do I wake up every morning and exercise?
  • Why do I have so much energy?
  • Why do I have amazing abs?
  • Why is my skin so perfect, clear and even-toned?
  • Why does my butt look so great in my jeans?
  • Why do I now have the exact shape I always wanted?
  • Why are my stretch marks fading so quickly?
  • Why do I get more beautiful/handsome every year?
  • Why is my acne/acne scars disappearing?
  • Why do I love my body?
  • Why is it so easy for me to release all my bad habits?
  • Why do I know there is no such thing as incurable?
  • Why do I always do the exact right thing to get exactly body I want?
  • Why do I already have a healthy beautiful body?
  • Why are people always stopping me and telling me how beautiful I am?
  • Why do I inspire others to make healthy decisions?
Money/Abundance (click to open)
  • Why did I finally release my fears and my doubts about money?
  • Why am I easily accepting abundance into my life, now?
  • Why am I getting wealthier each and every day?
  • Why do I know I deserve abundance?
  • Why do I not only have an abundance of money, but also an abundance of time to enjoy it with?
  • Why does money come to me effortlessly?
  • Why am I the luckiest person I know?
  • Why am I a truly money magnet?
  • Why am I thankful for the limitless, overflowing source of my abundance?
  • Why does everything I touch return great abundance to me?
  • Why am I great at managing such large amounts of money?
  • Why does money come to me from unexpected sources?
  • Why do I appreciate my money?
  • Why do I live a truly abundant life?
  • Why have mastered saving money?
  • Why has my saving account grown so large this year?
  • Why do I have way more money than I could ever know what to do with?
  • Why can I pay all my bills months in advance?
  • Why is donating 10% of my income to charity easier than it has ever been?
  • Why do I know this is the best year yet for all of my bank accounts?
  • Why does it feel like money really does grow on trees?
  • Why does money love being with me?
  • Why do I have way more than I need to take that dream vacation this year?
  • Why did I save more for retirement this year than all the previous years combined?
  • Why do I finally feel financially secure?
  • Why am I so effortlessly able to help those that I care about?
  • Why do I make more money than anybody else I know?
  • Why does my income grow with each passing day?
  • Why do I trust that the Universe will always provide for me?
  • Why do I always make such great financial decisions?
  • Why am I abundantly grateful for all of my blessings?
  • Why do I live such a blessed life?
  • Why do I have so many great ideas when it comes to making money?
  • Why am I passionate about making money?
  • Why do I have multiple sources of income?
  • Why do I even make money while I sleep?
  • Why do I know I am worthy of having such great abundance?
  • Why I am I able to make money doing the things I love the most?
  • Why am I able to provide such an abundant life for my family?
  • Why does doing the thing I love bring me more abundance then I ever dreamed of?
  • Why do I enjoy paying my bills and balancing my check book?
  • Why do I see opportunities to increase my abundance?
Relationships/Love (click to open)
  • Why do I radiate love and happiness?
  • Why do I know I am worthy of love?
  • Why do I love, accept and appreciate myself for who I am?
  • Why do I attract positive people into my life?
  • Why am I more than good enough to be loved?
  • Why am I surrounded with loving and caring people?
  • Why is it the more I love, the more that love is returned to me?
  • Why do I have such great, loving, long term relationships?
  • Why do I get along so well with others?
  • Why do people like me and want to be around me?
  • Why do I forgive others easily?
  • Why am I so appreciative and grateful for my family and friends?
  • Why do I accept people for who they are?
  • Why do I always see the good in others?
  • Why do I choose to focus on the positive attributes of myself and others?
  • Why do I have the perfect partner for me?
  • Why do my partner and I have a supportive relationship?
  • Why have I finally released my fears and doubts about true love?
  • Why is it so easy for me to express the love in my heart?
  • Why do I know the love I have for others makes me a stronger, better person?
  • Why do I love with such great passion?
  • Why do I stay present in all my relationships?
  • Why do I freely let go of that which is not Love?
  • Why am I such a great girlfriend/boyfriend?
  • Why do I follow my gut in relationships?
  • Why do I see the perfection in all the relationships in my life?
  • Why do I take full responsibility for all the relationships that I have created?
  • Why is it so easy for me to see both sides of every issue?
  • Why have I released my need to over react to my partner?
  • Why do my partner and I get along so well?
  • Why am I so confident in the future of my relationship?
  • Why does my partner always do and say the right things to make me feel loved?
  • Why am I able to trust my partner completely?
  • Why is my partner able to trust me completely?
  • Why is my partner able to see things from my point of view?
  • Why do my partner and I communicate so well?
  • Why do I create healthy, healing relationships?
  • Why am I able to give my partner the space they desire?
  • Why do I get along so well with all my in-laws?
  • Why do I know I can have it all?
  • Why do I easily let go of all the relationships that don’t serve my higher purpose?
Work/Career (click to open)
  • Why do I possess an endless supply of creativity, and energy for any project I take on?
  • Why do I make effective use of my time?
  • Why are my career possibilities endless?
  • Why do I get promoted fast?
  • Why do others recognize me for all the good I do?
  • Why does the Universe support my every effort?
  • Why am I persistent in reaching my goals?
  • Why do I always above and beyond my goals?
  • Why do my co-worker love and appreciate me?
  • Why do I love and appreciate my co-workers?
  • Why do I love my job?
  • Why am I grateful for my job?
  • Why am I really great at what I do?
  • Why do I have my dream job?
  • Why am I living my passion?
  • Why do I have so much passion for what I do?
  • Why do I wake up every morning excited to go to work?
  • Why do I have so much freedom in my job?
  • Why do I make more than I ever imagined that I could?
  • Why do I communicate my thoughts and ideas so clearly to others?
  • Why do I work well with others?
  • Why am I a team player?
  • Why is everybody I work with so intelligent and great at their jobs?
  • Why am I so confident in front of others?
  • Why does my work provide me with a deep sense of satisfaction?
  • Why am I so successful?
  • Why do I work in a gossip free environment?
  • Why do I respect the people I work with?
  • Why do I have the greatest boss in the world?
  • Why am I noticed for all my achievements?
  • Why do I have such a great relationship with all of my customers?
  • Why does everything I touch at work turn to gold?
  • Why do I make so much more than I ever thought I could?
  • Why do I accomplish so much in such a short amount of time?
  • Why do I get so many bonuses?
  • Why am I the highest paid person in my industry?
  • Why do I truly enjoy helping others?
  • Why do I get weekends off?
  • Why am I not only respected by those within my company but the industry as a whole?
  • Why do I say exactly the right thing to make the sale every time?
  • Why do I give my best every day?
Spiritual (click to open)
  • Why am I connected to the source of all things?
  • Why am I unconditional Love?
  • Why do I receive such accurate inner guidance from my source?
  • Why do I appreciate my inner guidance and follow it faithfully?
  • Why is all that I need inside me right now?
  • Why does God love me and accept me unconditionally?
  • Why do I love and appreciate God?
  • Why is my higher self always there for me to assist with all things?
  • Why is it so easy for me to silence my thoughts and here God’s guidance?
  • Why am I a spiritual being enjoying a physical experience?
  • Why do I create heaven here on earth?
  • Why am I kind to others?
  • Why do I see the value in all things and all people?
  • Why do I know that everyone deserves Love?
  • Why do I accept people for who they are right now?
  • Why do I enjoy meditating?
  • Why do I always find time in my day to stop and appreciate the world that surrounds me?
  • Why am I so intuitive to others feelings and needs?
  • Why do I practice non-judgment every day?
  • Why do I see the beauty and perfection in all things?
  • Why does every cell of my body vibrate with love?
  • Why am I safe and protected always?
  • Why do I always choose forgiveness?
  • Why does forgiveness come so easily to me?
  • Why do I know the Universe wants the absolute best for me?
  • Why do I choose to accept responsibility for all that comes to me – good or bad?
  • Why do I now release blame?
  • Why are people healed in my presence?
  • Why am I whole and healed?
  • Why do I feel so blessed?
  • Why is my life in perfect divine order?
  • Why do I trust all that is and see the perfection that surrounds me?
  • Why am I able to see things from the other person’s point of view?
  • Why do I see the good in all people?
  • Why do I re-frame from gossiping or talking bad about others?
  • Why are my chakras coming into perfect balance?
  • Why do I choose happiness NOW?
  • Why do I know if I want to change my life I first have to change my thoughts?
  • Why do I choose LOVE always and release hatred and anger?
  • Why do I accept this moment as if I chose it – because I did?
  • Why do I now release all that doesn’t serve me?
Combinations (click to open)
  • Why do I gratefully accept all the health, wealth and happiness that the universe gives to me?
  • Why do I deserve love, success and happiness?
  • Why am I a lucky, happy, healthy, wealthy successful person?
  • How come love, health and wealth flows abundantly into my life?
  • Why do I possess an abundance of creativity and energy?

Get started making your own list – the above are just examples – you want say afformations that mean something to you.  Don’t forget to add emotion and imagination.  Repetition is the Key!



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