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created by: Anisa Aven’s

5 Steps to Intentionally Harness the Law of Attraction and the Law of
Detachment —> Get a printable version by emailing

1) What Do I Want ? ==>Vibrate in Harmony w/Essence of My Desire

2) Do I Feel Absolute Certainty? ==>If Yes, celebrate! If no, apply law
of detachment

3) Define Resistance ==>Detach from the outcome & Tap it out (EFT)

4) Refocus Intention & Attention ==>Walk up the vibrational scale to
peace & certainty

5) Be Grateful Now! ==>Experience pure certainty and gratitude

Step 1: What do I want? – What experience? What is the essence? What will this give me that I don’t now have? What will it look, feel, sound, taste
like? What is the ideal scenario? What evidence am I looking for? What
will this give me that I want more of?

Step 2: Do I feel absolute certainty? If Yes, CELEBRATE! If no, apply law
of detachment (step 3)

Step 3: Define Resistance – detach from the outcome and tap it out (EFT)
Even though I may never have…. I forgive myself. Even though I feel…
I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though my worst
fears may come to pass… I completely trust and accept the Divine Order.
Even though I may always be/experience… I deeply and completely love
and accept myself. Continue until you feel total neutrality.

Step 4: Refocus Intention and Attention Walk up the vibrational scale to
peace and certainty I intend… I am bold… I am courageous… I
courageously choose to do what needs to be done… I am… willing…
hopeful…optimisic… I revel in delight… I am…

Step 5: Yes! Be Grateful Now Experience pure certainty and gratitude
intentionally. Close your eyes and really feel what certainty feels like
in regards to your goal. Now, appreciate and revel in it’s beautiful
manifestation,as if it has already occurred.


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Anisa Avens of is one of the leading teachers on the subjects of the Law of Attraction and EFT (emotional freedom technique).  Two happiness tools that she often combines together to create the results her clients desire.  She has published many articles and audio downloads on all the top self-help topics. Anisa Avens also helps people on an individual basis creating a Living Vision to manifest the  life of their dreams quickly.


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